Do penis enlargement Method

Do penis enlargement Method

It’s really Work For Penis Enlargement Methods?

If you are convinced that your penis is small (chances are it is not), using the Internet to determine how you measure up to the test will not help you feel better, but you are sure to find many procedures and products that They promise to make your penis bigger. Are these promises too good to be true?

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Medically, it is possible to make changes in the length and width of the human penis.

Doctors can lengthen the penis surgically by cutting the ligaments that secure it to the pelvis; but this only makes the lame penises appear longer. Recently because of the erect penis, except that it makes it more unstable and less well rooted. You can “stretch” the penis without surgery for several hours a day for months with devices loaded with rubber bands to increase the length. He likes orthopedic appliances on his teeth; this slowly “remodels” the penis and can add about half an inch.

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To thicken the penis, surgical implants or “grafts” can be sewn to the sides of the penis, or grafts of fat, silicone or muscle can be placed under the skin to increase its diameter. These can work but can make the penis look strange, almost “soft like the mass” and have complications such as erosion through the skin or infection that requires removal. And when this happens, the disfigurement can be permanent and really mess up what originally seemed normal.

So, how do you know what is right for you? What is safe? What is effective? Well, honestly, you do not. This is because, like plastic surgery, penile procedures seek to satisfy personal desires and do not necessarily address a universally understood problem. Because of this, there is little published data on the individual procedures of penis enlargement, much less the comparisons between them.

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That’s why it was refreshing to see a recently published article that examined the results of 17 studies of 21 surgical and non-surgical procedures used to enlarge penises. This 30,000 foot view of the penis enlargement field was quite revealing. This is what he found:

  • 1192 men with healthy penises who suffered penile enlargement were evaluated.
  • The vast majority of men who had procedures had normal-sized penises before their procedures
  • Surgical procedures included excision of the suspensory ligament (lengthening), fat grafts (circumference) flaps (circumference) and “dismantling of the penis”. Non-surgical procedures include injectables (circumference), extensors (length) and vacuum devices (length)Among the non-surgical procedures, the extensors definitely increased the length, but only <2 cm
  • Injectables increased the circumference, but were associated with significant complications (penis with lumps)
  • The average satisfaction rate among treated men was only 20%!

When counseling and education about the size of the penis were provided to the patients before any procedure, most of the time the patients rejected any procedure for enlarging the penis.

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It suggests that when it comes to penis enlargement , be careful! Have realistic expectations about what you already have and what you are buying. Keep in mind that most men who have such procedures end up not being completely satisfied. Understand what can go wrong and how often it happens. And remember that in most cases, the skill is much more than the size.

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