What are the signs of infertility in men?

What are the signs of infertility in men?

How to know if they are infertile men? Well, infertility in men can be difficult to pinpoint due to a lack of obvious signs. However, the data suggests that in more than a third of couples, male infertility problems play a role and is important for diagnosis.

If you believe the data, up to 15 percent of couples in the United States are infertile. About 50% of couples who have been unable to conceive a child suffer due to male infertility problems. Infertility is the inability to have babies even after having unprotected sex for more than a year. Such couples should receive a fertility diagnosis and seek medical advice from a health care specialist. How do you know if you are an infertile man? Many men don’t realize that they have some type of infertility problem unless they are controlled for a medical condition or cannot get their healthy partner pregnant.

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How do you know if you are an infertile man? In men, fertility symptoms are difficult to identify. Symptoms usually depend on the cause of the problem. A wide range of medical conditions, environmental and lifestyle factors can lead to infertility problems in men.

In some cases, an underlying medical condition such as Varicocele (swelling of the veins around the testicles), sexually transmitted infections (HIV or inflammation of the testicles), tumors of the male reproductive organ, hormonal imbalances, or celiac disease (a disorder of the system digestive), etc. Exposure to environmental factors like X-rays, working on laptops for a long time can overheat the testicles. Symptoms in men often go unnoticed until a man tries to get a woman pregnant.

The signs and symptoms associated with male infertility include:

Swelling or pain in the testicles: Swelling or pain in the testicles can be easy to detect, and there are several reasons for this, including an underlying condition. However, it is not always necessary to indicate infertility. Another condition called varicoceles, an enlarged vein in the scrotum leads to a low sperm count. Research says that 15 percent of men develop dilated veins in their scrotum, they will not have fertility problems. However, an infertility problem appeared because varicoceles can be easily corrected by surgery.

Ejaculatory dysfunction – Men with some form of ejaculatory dysfunction often experience premature ejaculation or delayed ejaculation, leading to infertility. Some men may also experience retrograde ejaculation, which occurs when sperm flows into the bladder instead of leaving the organ of the penis. Also, medical conditions like diabetes and spinal cord injuries can cause you to experience retrograde ejaculation. In some cases, medications can help reverse the condition.

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Low sperm count: Infections like sexually transmitted disease, orchitis, and epididymitis can affect sperm production or could even block sperm passage. Problems with sperm count are sometimes related to ejaculatory dysfunction. In some cases, the use of certain medications such as antidepressants, antihypertensives, cancer medications, and arthritis medications can affect sperm production. Men who receive testosterone replacement therapy suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia or an enlarged prostate may also experience reduced sperm production. However, switching to another medication can reverse the condition and can help improve sperm production? Be sure to speak to your doctor before making changes to your dosing schedule. Fortunately, most of these conditions that cause low sperm count and infertility in men are treatable.

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Smelling semen: Bad smelling semen can be a signs of infertility in men. You could get a bacterial infection if your semen smells fishy or rotten. In some cases, excessive consumption of caffeine and alcohol, and certain foods can affect the smell of your semen. However, limiting this from your diet can reverse the condition. For example, if the smell persists, you could be suffering from an underlying health problem that could be causing smelly semen.

Unhealthy Lifestyle: Certain lifestyle choices can harm your overall health, including your reproductive system. Excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and drug abuse can cause a significant reduction in sperm count. Such lifestyle choices can affect sperm morphology, lower testosterone levels, and affect other hormones that play a role in sperm production. Research studies have shown that cannabis can reduce sperm count and other associated problems. Furthermore, obesity has been linked to hormonal fluctuations that lead to infertility problems in men. However, it is possible to reverse the condition by reducing the extra weight.

Experts advised reducing or limiting the use of these substances and choosing a healthy lifestyle to maintain a healthy reproductive system.

If you are under 40 and have been trying to get your partner pregnant for more than a year, see your healthcare professional. A sperm analysis can help determine the overall health of the sperm.

Buying medicine online  to treat infertility in men and enjoy healthy and better life.


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