Tag - ED

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5 Tips For Erectile Dysfunction When Pills Don’t Work

Men around the world spend billions of dollars each year on erectile dysfunction drugs like Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra, but the drugs are not perfect. They fail in an estimated 30% to 40% of men, and the side effects and high cost can also be disappointing. Fortunately, there are alternatives. Buy Viagra online Buy Cialis online Buy Levitra online Stay Away From Supplements. “Men must be careful with these. Most do not have great evidence that they work and there are many formulations with [...]


Some Things That Can Affect Erections

Getting an erection not only “happens”, it is actually a complex process that involves hormones, nerves and your vascular, psychological and general health working together. An imbalance in even just one of these factors is enough to compromise your erections, so it is important to do whatever you can to make everything work as it should.