If Your Heart Feels Empty


If Your Heart Feels Empty

Feeling a feeling of emptiness in your heart can be heartbreaking. It can bring episodes of intense loneliness, and then also a deep but dull pain, which pushes you down every day like an anchor. It is important not to despair. With a little guidance, effort and persistence, you can fill that void and live a happy life.

How can you do this? Below are some important steps. Each one, although not complicated, will require a concerted effort on your part. You may find it helpful to write in a newspaper about your commitment to help yourself, as well as your difficulties along the way.

Consider ways you can make yourself happy in your life. This means doing things that feel good, not only in the current moment, but even when you step back and consider the wisdom of your actions. It includes momentary pleasures, such as enjoying dinner with a close friend. It also includes more value-based ventures, such as choosing a career that is meaningful to you or committing to work hard to care for your family.

Be honest with yourself, especially when it’s harder. Only when you are honest with yourself about what you think and feel in difficult situations can you act with integrity, feel really good about yourself.

So be honest with your loved ones and with whom you have earned their trust, especially when it is hardest. Understanding yourself is important, but opening up to others is essential to fill your empty heart.

Trust that they will love you no matter what happens, especially when you are most vulnerable. No doubt, this will require a lot of courage because you risk hurting yourself.

If they do not accept and love you, then they are not the right people to turn to. This is essential to remember. Sometimes you will make mistakes with whom you trust or how much you trust someone. Therefore, it often helps to open a little at a time, which allows you to test the relationship in a healthy way.

Move on. This may be more difficult than it seems, especially if you already feel connected. But letting go of hurtful relationships is essential to fill your life with healthy relationships.

Trust again those you love and who have earned your trust. When people have proven reliable in the past, they are likely to be reliable in the future. Of course, people are not consistent. Some will deceive you by being good friends at first, and then they will show their “true colors” later. Others will be good, but imperfect, friends who make mistakes along the way. They may be worth forgiving. Then, again, take your time to develop relationships, learn who and how much to trust based on experiences along the way.

When they continue to act lovingly towards you, even in difficult times, then you have found true love … be it family, friends or, finally, your partner forever. These people are the greatest treasures you will have in life, so treat them very carefully.

Use these steps as guidelines on how to develop relationships. When you follow them, you will discover that you are surrounding yourself with people of support and love that fill the emptiness of your heart with a sense of connection.

Topics:  Happiness, Friendship, Family, Dating and Marriage

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