Tag - love

When Your Heart Feels Alone

Feeling a sense of emptiness in your heart can be heartbreaking. It can bring episodes of intense loneliness, and then also a deep, but dull pain, which pushes you down every day like an anchor. It is important not to despair. With a little guidance, effort and persistence, you can fill that void and live a happy life.


Do You Lose Yourself in Relationships?

You might think that truly loving someone means caring about them with all of your being – but you can’t really give all of your being to the relationship. For you to continue to love someone there has to be a “you” to do that loving. So, for the relationship to last, you must focus on your own happiness, as well as theirs.


Are you addicting to sexual love?

The Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous website explains that people with an addiction to sex or love face the struggles of loneliness, fear of abandonment, shame and other emotions when sexualizing their relationships. As part of a desperate attempt to avoid feeling lonely and vulnerable, they confuse love with emotional need and physical attraction.